Notification of Account Transfer.

11 January 2022

Notification of Account Transfer.

Please be advised that Zimbabwe Online (Private) Limited (“ZOL Zimbabwe”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Zimbabwe (formerly Liquid Telecom Zimbabwe) will be going through an internal re-organisation exercise which will result in the transfer of all existing telecommunications services to its parent company Liquid Intelligent Technologies Zimbabwe.

The re-organisation of ZOL Zimbabwe is part of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Zimbabwe plan to deliver top tier offerings that cater to your ever-evolving needs.

With effect from 1 March 2022, your account with ZOL Zimbabwe will be transferred to Liquid Home on the same terms and conditions as your existing contract to ensure there are no disruptions to the services provided. Liquid Home is a sub-brand of Liquid Intelligent Technologies Zimbabwe.

Please click here to confirm receipt of this notification. For more information on the re-organisation, visit our Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please Email

ZOL Zimbabwe would like to thank you for your support as we consolidate our services and improve your experience.


Liquid Home is a sub-brand of Liquid Intelligent Technologies a pan-African technology group with capabilities across 14 countries, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa. Established in 2005, Liquid has firmly established itself as the leading pan-African digital infrastructure provider. Liquid Intelligent Technologies is redefining Network, Cloud and Cyber Security offerings through strategic partnerships with leading global players, innovative business applications, intelligent cloud services and world-class security to the African continent.

Liquid is now a full one-stop-shop technology group that provides tailor-made digital solutions to businesses in the public and private sectors across the continent. The Group also operates state-of-the-art data centres in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Nairobi, Harare and Kigali, with a combined potential 19,000 square metres of rack space and 78 MW of power.Through this combined offering, Liquid Intelligent Technologies is enhancing customers' experience on their digital journey.